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The Fortified Coaching Program
Thursday, December 9, 2021 by Lyvita Brooks

The Me Project Academy has closed The Fortified Coaching Program. Check back in June or October of each year.


Are You Prepared for 2022?

Are You Thinking About 2022?

Are You Questioning Your Purpose? 

Looking to Start Your Business or Ministry in 2022?

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Are you hoping next year will be your best year yet?

Yes, I know...too many questions and yet they keep coming. I believe God has given you and other believers ideas for businesses and/or ministries and they don’t know where to begin. Some have given up hope, or felt defeated before they began. Others tried but things seem to be going slower than expected. Can you related? If so, The Fortified Coaching Program has been designed just for you. 

Every year possess new challenges, good or bad, that can cause stress lines, sickness, negative attitudes or feelings of overwhelmness mixed with periods of self pity. Even the imposter syndrome can kick in.  All resulting in your passion and will power needing rekindling.

High expectations with no results can frazzle the best of minds. Just as a major life change can impact your business, ministry, family, friends or your life. The shattering of your belief in something or someone caused by a lie. And yet, I’ve covered only a small portion of all that could happen in a year.

And yet there is a way to stay focused. The Fortified Coaching Program is a system designed to help the believer stay focused and on track in completing one thing at a time.

This is why I recommend starting the year off focusing on God. As a school administrator I began realizing how precious each year was, regardless of what I went through because I started with a 21 Day Fast and Pray every January. God always gave me a word or phrase to help me stay focused. It was when I kept the word or phrase before me, I was better able to handle life’s interruptions to my schedule or setbacks.

During my 21 Day Fast and Pray, God gave me these words, “Time To Walk Into Your Destiny.” That’s the year I began, Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast. For me 2020 was a year of “firsts” because it seemed like everything I was doing was for the first time. Concerning the podcast… yea… it was.

I believe God has called many other Saints, including you, to step outside your comfort zone to do what He has called you to do.

Feeling hesitant? Afraid? So was I when started my podcast and blog, at the same time. (And let’s be clear… I knew nothing about podcasting. Just learned it existed, in the Fall of 2019.) But Praise God, I finally woke up and didn’t let that stop me! You can too.

I’m going to do a 21-day Fast and Prayer in January. I’d like for you to join me. It’s the beginning of The Fortified Coaching Program.


Who should participate?

If you are a believer, follower of Christ Jesus, who:

  • Wants to start a new business or ministry,
  • Need encouragement, inspiration to do what God’s called you to do,
  • Is seeking to start 2022 off differently than your previous years,
  • Desire to refresh or rekindle your passion for doing what God’s called you to do, or
  • Have been searching for an activity to get your family involved or bible group invested in order to move a project forward?

This 21 Day Fast and Pray may just be the answer. Saint, when you spend time with God, it’s always the answer.


The Fortified Coaching Program is in two parts.

First, is the 21 Day Fasting and Prayer where you give up 30 minutes a day spending time focused on your relationship with God. You will also be asked to stop eating one of your favorite foods during that time.

Next, the second part consists of a system for planning your year, using the results of the Fast and Prayer time, as your guide.

Lastly, purchase The Strategic Planner It will be our workbook and provide the material to guide you from taking yearly goals and breaking them up into bite size pieces. The goal, as always, is to do it.

So, what’s involved?

  • The program is for 8 weeks.
  • Beginning January, you will receive daily email that will contain an audio to guide you through 30 minutes or less of spending time with God. You will receive this for 21 days
  • Purchasing The Strategic Planner is the Official workbook for The Fortified Coaching Program
  • Eight weekly Office Hours
  • Facebook group of like-minded people to encourage each other.


How will you prepare for The Fortified Coaching Program?

  1. Participate in the Webinar It is about the program, how to use The Strategic Planner that you purchased, the purpose of the Office Hours, and how this program can help you.
  2. Read and do step-by-step tips sent through email to prepare your mind and environment for the 21 days of fasting and prayer, and completing The Fortified Coaching Program.
  3. Join the Facebook Group in order to meet other members in the program.

Why do this?

  • Well for one, the only price for this program is the purchase of The Strategic Planner. Then having a coach for eight weeks to support you during this process, well it’s a blessing. Lastly, inviting others on this journey would provide the chance to grow together.
  • It is one of the best ways to get quick results, when using a planner. Stress is decreased and Productivity increased. A better memory and gain perspective. Gains organization skills and you can get more done. Ultimately, you have fun, time to spend with God and love ones, and to just “Chill”.

Saints, times are changing and we need to get off our “Christian pew” or “Virtual Couch” and do what God’s called us to do. YOU are the change. God made you for a reason, without making a mistake, so WAKE UP! It’s time to “Live Not By Lies” but “Live On Purpose For Christ”. Join a group of Believers who want to walk into their destiny.  Registration is now closed!

Shalom, Lyvita


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