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Nuggets for Thought
Collection of Poems, Reflections & Flash Fiction

Nuggets for Thought is a collection of poems, reflections and flash fiction about life, as seen through the eyes of two educators. It explores complex questions about who you are, relationships, choices made, and what you believe.


This book is the result of a young daughter keeping her promise to someday publish her mother’s writings. Her mother passes. Five years later, it is done. It contains raw, honest, and stimulating writing to remind us about the impact of the choices we make and that quitting is not an option.

It contains 49 poems, reflections, and flash fiction for ladies to contemplate and cherish, together. Here is a sample of the beginning line from a few:

  • In life each person has his own road to travel
  • Everybody in my family is darker than me (that's not true)
  • I'm a single married woman
  • Who told you my stories were yesterdays news?
  • Why can't I just get my hair done without the stories?
  • She's always promising. First her Ma and now me.

Although these are examples of a few first lines, the question is, what is the rest of the poem, reflection or flash fiction about? Will it be something we have thought about or not? Can it spark conversation or change our lives? Something to think about or nuggets to live by, from a mother and daughter who shares the life they see.




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Nuggets for Thought is great to use for:

prompts for discussion starters, book clubs, gifts, and for, the thrill of reading.


Suggested Interview Questions:

  • Why did it take you five years to write this book?
  • How did your faith influence the total composition of this book?
  • How did you learn or understand who you are?
  • Why did you start competing with your mother and did she know it?
  • Who might be interested in purchasing this book?
  • What impact do you expect this book to have on the readers?
  • How did writing this book bring you closer to your mother?
  • Why do you believe keeping your promise is vital and how does that build your character?
  • Why do you encourage others to journal?

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Available in Kindle eBook & Paperback

Buy From: Amazon or Barnes & Noble
