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Podcast Transcripts

Where Are You In The Family Of God? Mature or Immature
Thursday, August 25, 2022 by Lyvita Brooks

I read in one of The Be Series Commentary by Warren Weisbe,“The church is a family and the goal is maturity.” So where are you in the family of God? Are you growing or mixing Christianity with man’s wisdoms, ideas and trends? Something to ponder.



Please enjoy this podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Although efforts were made in editing, this transcript may include a few typos. It’s difficult to catch some minor errors. Enjoy!

Welcome to Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast. The place where we help you identify what’s hindering you from moving forward in Christ and your destiny, and then, providing disciplines to help you remove the barriers in order for you to see who you are and whose you are in Christ Jesus, so you can Go And Do what God’s designed you to do.

Hi, I’m your host, Lyvita and founder of The Me Project Academy and its newsletter all designed to equip and encourage you with the tools needed to help you come out of complacency and be a Hearer who applies God’s word intentional and always within your life. For more information about this podcast, the academy, or get in contact with me go to www.hangingoutwithjesuspodcast.com.

You will need a pad, pen, and bible with a quiet place to ponder because it’s time to take inventory and remember just who we, you, I am in Christ …

So stop what you are doing and come walk with us, where we intentionally and daily hang out with Jesus.

Let’s pray….

Key Topics With Time Stamps / Transcript With Time Stamps

6:35 – Saints are you growing in Christ or mixing Christianity with Man’s wisdoms, ideas, and trends saying that it’s growth because the world is changing?

First Corinthians 3: 1-4 from the NIV reads,

3 Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? 4 For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?

7:40 – Here we find Paul identifying that there are two types of people in the world.

One type is spiritual, saved.

The other type is natural, fleshly, worldly, unsaved.

Then we find in that same chapter Paul further breaking down a spiritual, saved person as a mature believer (that can eat meat) or an immature believer (that is a mere infant drinking milk). It’s here that we begin to get a glimpse of who we are right now. Are we the believers we think we are and what changes need to be made and why? Maturity has a lot to do with your understanding and application of God’s word to your life.

8:50 – Let’s start with what’s an Immature Believer (and you may want to write these down)

· Knows the basic facts about our Lord Jesus Christ’s life on earth, i.e., Jesus died for our sins, God is good and God helps us.

· Lives off of Bible stories and could share a few like the birth of Jesus and relates to the “hero’s” in the Bible, like David and Goliath, Samson and Delilah, and, “I follow Apollos, I follow Paul,” and I follow Kirk Franklin.

· Very little understanding of “the secret hidden wisdom of God” found in First Corinthians 2:6-7. Now those verses are something to ponder.

· Likes to disagree and fuss over things in the Bible because their understanding comes from man’s wisdom and not knowing what is really in the Bible. For example, “the world is changing and so should Christians, because we need to stay relevant and go with the times.” Saints there is so much in that one statement that is not biblical, but with studying the bible and guidance from the Holy Spirit, you can identify man’s wisdom being entangled to get the believers off track.

· Uses their gifts and talents like toys and trophies to boast about. They do more showing off then serving, more “look at me” then can I help you. Saints, we have heard this, “This is my church. I started it.”

· Drink the milk of the word which is simply knowing what Jesus is doing or has done of earth. Think of this as Sunday church-goers or Tuesday Bible study students who attend but apply nothing during the rest of the week or spend time with God in His word.

12:06 – Now the mature believer. This is where we all want to be and stay, maturing intentionally and daily:

· Know truths about Lord Jesus Christ’s ministry on earth and heaven because they read and study the Bible. For example, God is love but also a jealous God and a God of grace and mercy. Now that’s deep!

· Lives on Bible precepts, doctrines, statues and practices it

· Understands the difference between man’s wisdom and God’s wisdom and how one can influence your thinking of the other, for example accepting a man who has his father’s wife as read in chapter 5 verse 1-2

· Uses their gifts and talents as tools to build up others, serve others, share the Gospel, make disciples with love and seek to get along.

· Eating the meat of God’s word which is knowing what Jesus has done on earth, is doing on earth, will do when He returns on earth and what He is doing in heaven.

· They eat a balanced developmental spiritual diet of milk (1 Peter 2:2), bread (Matthew 4:4), meat (Hebrews 5:11-14) and honey (Psalm 119:103). Interesting isn’t it? Sounds like a future podcast episode to me. It’s a progression from new believer with milk to a young believer that has teeth and eating soft foods, to all your adult teeth are in and now you can chew on meat to bringing some sweetness to your understanding.

16:40 – In First Corinthians we find Paul writing to believers who should be maturing but instead they are becoming stall and some are digressing. Paul even shares how the Gospel is to be applied into their lives.

Saints, this is happening even today with you and me, today. We aren’t maturing like we should. We say, “I’ll read my Bible every night before going to bed.” What happens? Everything, including watching so much TV until you can’t keep your eyes open to read it much more to remember to read it. And yet, this starts out innocent enough until you realize you aren’t doing it at all. You just stunted your growth at the place you last left off learning about Christ Jesus.

No new information coming in, no new experiences with joy and understanding.

Bible Reading and study is vital.

18:40 – Saints, we are brought with a price. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Christ Jesus sacrificed His body for us. Sin always has a bill due, meaning there is a consequence for when you do wrong things, things that are contrary to what the God is commanding of us and from us in the Bible. Here’s the thing, we can’t satisfy sin. So many folks tried before us. They failed and so shall any one else that tries. There isn’t enough ignoring, or doing your own thing, or making, molding your own god, that can satisfy the salivating thirst of sin. Sin breeds sin, breads sin, breads more sin and even more. When Jesus sacrified His body on that cross for the sin of the world, past, present and future. That meant no more animal sacrifices, only believing in the finish work of Jesus Christ. Ponder that (pause)

19:30 – Now Jesus Christ had and has a purpose because He is coming back to get us.

So where are you in the family of God? A growing believer, maturing daily or immature, just hanging hoping you’ll caught a few words here or there, but not really interested in keeping all God’s commands, because the world is changing and you want to keep up with the times. Don’t you know that it’s the times that are to keep up with you. God goes beyond time and so does His Words. He didn’t hand us down words for only Moses and Peter’s times. Nope. But for all time, even after we are gone… into infinity and beyond. A famous saying of Buzzlight Year.

But seriously, saints. I can’t say it enough Bible reading and study are critical to your growth. To you ministering to others. To understanding what your ministry is for such a time as this. Reading the Bible helps you memorize it, get it into you, and even ponder it. Studying the Bible helps you apply it, dig deeper than pondering but recognizing when scriptures apply and keeping them in context.

21:10 – Don’t let man’s wisdom or his constant changes get you off track of trying to find ways to fit in, but find ways to continue hold up God’s principles and share your testimonies, the old ones and the new ones. I wrote a poem called “Who Told You My News Was Old News?” which can be found in this weeks The Me Project Acadmy newsletter. So click on the link below to subscribe to it and hear the poem read.

Also in that same newsletter you will find more information about The Fortified Coaching Program which is free, except you will need to purchase the book to attend. This 8 week study is about growing in our walk with Christ as you seek clarity about our ministry or ways to minister and discover your next steps.

Saints, you are in my prayers. It is a blessing to do each episode with you in mind, so please don’t hesitate to let me know what questions you have, because you never know, I may just put it on an episode. Then answer it. So go to www.hangingoutwithjesuspodcast.com and click on contact.

I pray this episode has propelled you to intentinally and daily hang out with Jesus.



Resource Mentioned on the Episode and suggested reading:

“Who told You My News Was Old News?” by Lyvita Brooks. This poem is exclusively found in this weeks The Me project Academy newsletter. Click here to get the poem and start receiving the newsletter to help you grow in Christ. You will also receive a special checklist for joining.


Calls to Action:

· Sign up for The Me Project Academy Newsletter for resources on managing your time and spiritual discipline tips, with new releases of the podcast.

· Website: www.hangingoutwithjesuspodcast.com

· @hangingoutwithjesuspodcast (Instagram)

· @themeprojectacademy (Pinterest) · [email protected] (for comments)

· www.goodreads.com/lyvitabrooks

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