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Podcast Transcripts

When God says No But You Thought Yes
Thursday, January 25, 2024 by Lyvita Brooks

Have you ever felt the sting when a resounding 'yes' from God unexpectedly turns into a 'no'?  Sounds weird huh? What do you do? Listen in, as Lyvita, your host share an unexpected journey through the life of Jarius and her understanding God's perfect timing in it all. 




Please enjoy this podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Although efforts were made in editing, this transcript may include a few typos. It’s difficult to catch some minor errors. Enjoy!



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Welcome to Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast where we build up the brokenhearted by bringing interviews, inspiration, information and tips on how to break the chains of anxiety, fear and discouragement so you can complete the mission God’s called you to do, intentionally and daily.

Hi. I’m Lyvita, Bible teacher, author, founder of The Me Project Academy and your host. Thank you so much for joining me for this week’s episode. My prayer is that this message challenges you to get out of whatever rut you are in and begin spending time with the Lord.

This is episode #93. I will be sharing how we should act when God says No after saying Yes. Interesting. Yea, I know.

That discussion and more is coming up after updates from me and The Me Project Academy. You may need your calendar for this. I have three things to share and dates are included.


Activities Happening in The Me Project Academy

1:48 - There are three things, I’d like to invite you to join me:

#1- I’m going to teach a bible class for five weeks in March called Facing the Unknown. It begins March 1 to the 29th from 6:30 to 8 pm on Friday nights. You can register at www.themeprojectacademy.com or click on the link in the show notes.

2:30 - #2 – Now for my booklovers, writers and creatives, February is Library Lover’s Month. We just missed Library Shelfie Day which is always the 4th Wednesday of January.  It’s a day of posting a few of your favorite books on a shelf in a unique way. Then posting it on social media. Saints this is a good opportunity to introduce the world to Christian books, authors and Bibles. So take 20 minutes one day in February to post your unique books #libraryshelfieday to social media.  I’ll post on February 12th. Hope to see your pics there.

4:20 - Now if you want to hang out with me and other book lovers and writers than get on my newsletter, the link is in the show notes, because we will be doing some unique activities. I’ll only post in the both February’s newsletter. If you send me pics, I’ll post it in the newsletter also. This way we can get to meet each other and each other.

4:52 - #3 – Put on your calendar February 7th. It’s World Read Aloud Day. I’m doing a zoom call where you can read your favorite children’s story, short story &/or poem under 1,000 words to the group. You can even read to your favorite person in the room while we cheer you on. So register to participate. The link will go out from the newsletter, so make sure you join.


This is added. #4 is not mentioned on the podcast. 


#4 – The book I wrote with my mother’s poems and reflections in, it won the Christian Indie Publishing Association finalist award. Wow! If you had the chance to pick up your copy of Nuggets for Thought, please take some time now and write a review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Nobles or ChristianBooks.com. Saints those reviews help position the book in a place where more people will see it. If you haven’t read the book yet. Check it out. It’s also in ebook form.

5:28 - If you are new to this podcast, Welcome! If you want more information about what we do in the academy make sure you subscribe to our email community. The link is in the show notes and on www.themeprojectacademy.com.

Now come walk with me where we intentionally and daily hang out with Jesus.

Lord, thank you for allowing us to be in Your presence, again, together, for such a time as this to talk about how we should respond when You’re Yes seems to turn into a NO.


Topic of Discussion

6:32 - Saints, have you ever believed that God gave you a Yes to a particular question, then turned around and said No? Sounds, unreal, huh? Has it ever happened to someone or is it just me?

6:52 - Recently, I asked God for something specific, I know I heard a Yes. Saints, I know it. But then I asked it again, a couple dates before I believe it should happen. He said No. That took me for a loop. Huh?

7:23 - You know, when I received that text stating my hope and dream would not occur, simply because the snow closed down everything, I had a choice of how I was going to respond. Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states, “For every action there is a reaction”. Same is true in our live9s. It’s called choices.

Now I had the choice of being upset with God, pouting, letting this one thing mess up my whole day when my BFF was in town, or spending time with the Lord seeking His face about what happened.

I chose the latter. It was clear that I needed to return to when I originally asked questions around this topic verses when I last asked the question. What I didn’t realize until I looked back in my journal, I’d added a date to my question. God wasn’t saying No to my original question. He’d already answered and confirmed that many times. He was saying No to when it would happen. Just one more reason why journaling is important? Praise God for journaling.

9:10 - But Saints, because I chose to spend time with the Lord. He allowed my devotional reading, bible verses and even the inspirational message I listened to for that day to confirm just how much He loved me and to not be discouraged or dismayed because He’s got me.

9:35 - Saints you may be experiencing something similar right now. When the Lord seemed to be saying Yes but it turned out to be NO and you too are confused. Let me encourage you, watch and pray, because God never leaves you hanging, unless you aren’t hanging with Him. Hanging out with Jesus is spending time with Him.

You’ve got to hang out with Jesus in the good and bad. Especially, when you are confused or upset. The devil roams around seeking whom he may devour. When you are in a state of confusion and angry with God, he jumps at the chance of bringing you down. That’s one of the enemy’s tactics. Let’s not give him a crack to sneak through into our lives.

10:34 - This is why I continued my regular morning quiet time and listened to my inspirational message for the day. It provided clarity in an area that could have sent me spiraling in the wrong direction.

10:49 - Do you remember the story of Jairus in Mark 5:21 – 43? Jairus was one of the rulers in the synagogue who fell at Jesus’ feet begging that He come with him because his little girl was sick. She’s at the point of death. So Jesus did. Now doesn’t that sound like Jesus is going to heal her? Yea, I would agree but two things stopped it from happening:

A lady touched Jesus’ garments who had a menstrual cycle problem that lasted for 12 years and she was healed. I’m sure that this was confirmation to Jairus that his daughter would get heal, as well. Wouldn’t you think so?
While Jesus was talking to the lady, someone from Jairus’ house came up and told him that his daughter was dead. So no need to bother with the Teacher any further. I could see Jairus heart failing? Can’t you? This must had hit him in the gut and his faith in Jesus was about to spiral. He’d probably despise the lady who just got healed for interrupting Jesus from going to his house. Saints, when we don’t get our way, sometimes that hurt can ache.

12:34 - But just like God spoke to me through these scriptures, He will do the same for you. The proof is right here in the written life of Jairus. Jesus overheard the conversation between Jairus and the person coming from his house and Jesus said, “Do not fear, only believe.”

I know that must have been comforting but also confusing for Jairus. She’s dead, but the one He trusted before she died told him to not be afraid but only believe. Jairus did. He did because they continued to his house.

13:28 - The amazing thing is that Jairus and his daughter received a blessing greater than healing. They saw Jesus bring her back to life a blessing beyond healing. Isaiah 43:19, says, “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it springs forth, can you not perceive it?” Ya’ll this was a new thing for Jairus because all he wanted was his daughter healed.

So many times we think things are dead in our lives. Like there is no way that if could ever happen for us. Only to find out that it wasn’t it’s time to happen. It was just sleeping awaiting for its designated time to blossom, especially for you to see. This came by prayer and believing with your whole heart. God wants us to Behold His greatest that is beyond what we could ever imagine or think.

14:38 - Notice that Jesus only brought Peter, James, John, Jairus and Jairus wife in the room when he told the little girl to arise. They believed. Sometimes you’ve got to leave the naysayers out of the room so faith can arise.

So saints, the next time you get your confirmation from God all twisted up. Don’t get an attitude, stop and go hang out with Him. He always has something better for you than what you imagined.

15:23 - For me, God gave me that scripture I share, Isaiah 43:19, this is the entire scripture

“Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.”

15:46 - Saints, it’s good to ask God questions, just make sure you are journaling what you heard, when, why and where. God will do the rest. Do not be afraid when God says no to something He previously said yes, just check how you worded it that last time against His original yes. I’m finding adding dates to previous questions, do make a difference. So continue hanging out with Jesus regardless of what you hear. God’s always got your best interest at hand. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God isn’t about harming you. He has a future and hope for you, so hang out with Him even more to find out what He’s saying to you.

Let’s Pray …

16:51 - Our Father, Yahweh, the Faithful One, we have a tendency to get upset when our prayers aren’t answered according to what we perceive. Help us to grow to a state where when you say No. We don’t get an attitude but keep seeking your face for clarity. Knowing that You’ve got us and is eagerly awaiting for us to receive the future and hope You’ve prepared for us, when we believe in You with our whole heart. In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.



Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, then please consider subscribing to the podcast, rating and reviewing it. This helps in moving it forward to being heard by more believers. Also if you haven’t done so, get your free twice a month Newsletter to keep up with new releases of the podcast and The Me Project Academy activities that we discussed earlier, all focused on helping you declutter your mind, make sense of your heart’s aches, and improve your self-talk, so you can go and do what God’s called you to do. All this and more can be found, including my contact info on hangingoutwithjesuspodcast.com or the show notes.

So until we meet again over the airwaves, intentionally and daily, hang out with Jesus.




Resources Mentioned on the Episode and suggested reading & social media handles:


Calls to Action:



Lyvita Brooks loves hanging out with Jesus and encouraging others to do the same. You can find her on Goodreads.com, Instagram @hangingoutwithjesuspodcast, or teaching Bible study at www.themeprojectacademy.com.

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