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Spiritual Disciplines: Shorten Version with benefits
Thursday, April 2, 2020 by Lyvita Brooks

The Short Version: What is a Spiritual Discipline?

Spiritual Disciplines are routines to help you create space in your life for communing with God.

Who practiced Spiritual Disciplines in the Bible? (They are highlighted)

Daniel (Daniel 6:10 -28): It was Daniel’s custom to pray three times a day. He went to the upper room of his house (a place of solitude) and opened the windows that faced toward Jerusalem and prayed

Martha (Luke 10:41-42): Martha was working diligently but her sister, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening (silence). Jesus, whom Martha confronted about Mary not helping her, told her to detach from her busyness and listen. Take care of first things first… Him.

The Disciples (Matthew 26:26 -28; John 6:48 -58; Acts 2: 42-46): Jesus gave us a discipline to practice remembering Him and what He did for us. Some call this Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper.

Here are a list of  a few spiritual disciplines:

Silence Gratitude Prayer Holy Communion

Solitude Worship Service Accountability Partner

Detachment Bible Study Witnessing Devotional Reading

Sabbath Fasting Fellowship Self-Care

Evangelism Journaling Meditation Compassion


What are the benefits?

  • Communing with God
  • Developing a deeper relationship with Him
  • Boosting your immune system
  • Helping to reduce stress
  • Lowering heart rate.
  • Becoming more grateful
  • Being more mindful of others
  • Sound mind
  • Peacefulness

Where to begin?

There are several places you can begin, but the first is to pray asking God for guidance in this area. 

Second, read your Bible daily.

Third, subscribe to Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast, to practice a spiritual discipline twice a week until it becomes a habit.

Last, check out the following resources:

  • Donald S. Whitney’s book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
  • John Starke’s book, The Possibility of Prayer
  • Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning (he has several books for different professions)
  • My reviews on Goodreads.com.




Michelle Griffin From Bowie, MD At 4/3/2020 9:07:10 AM

Thanks for giving us biblical references of stopping, slowing down and spend time with God. During this pandemic, we all have time to pray. Make it a priority! Be blessed my sister??

Reply by: Lyvita Brooks

Thanks for sharing. God be with you also. Shalom.

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